Good day; I am Kaj. I live in the Netherlands, I have written software for many years. I always liked to challenge myself to get to a higher level as before. Here is a summary of some of the things of the last 20 years.
Name | Kaj Dijkstra |
Gender | Male |
Country | The Netherlands. |
Languages | Dutch and English |
Programming languages | C, Javascript, OpenGL, Php, Sql, Css and Html |
Status | Looking for a job. |
Instead of beginning with an list of software code i wrote, I start off with a list i believe is important in everything i do. And to some extend it needs be important to other entity's, I will work with or for. Because Ones values are Fundamental and thats why i begin with this section about Moral code and Values.
With everything you do, remember that God is watching you every step, And will judge. And because God is higher, And more important than the most Mighty Human King or Queen, You need to behave more Righteously and Proper than you would when you would meet the most Mighty and Great Human king or Queen, You need to behave every moment of your life like that because "With everything you do, remember that God is watching you every step".
In small in big, Every action / behaviour you perform and every decicion you make. You have to take Responsibility and you are being judged in the Hidden. So maybe you are able to make bigger decisions and perform bigger actions. The smallest act has astronomical consequences.
YHWH is a Jealous God, And can't stand when people worship Images of Beings. What for effect do i have on the world at large in relation to Images and Idolatry. When i buy something do i increase the Images and Idolatry in this world. Is the company i buy something from using ( images of beings ) as an instrument. And the products they sell, The companies and brands who create those things are those companies taking Responsibility or are they adding to the enormous proliferation of images and Idolatry.
How do your actions effect Ethics, If you buy something, Are the people who create your product being treated. Are they payed well enough to sustain their live and their family. To put their children to school. To save something for times when things get rough, And to do things they like to do, And develop their self to create a better future for themselves and their children.
Also consider this, How do the things I buy indirectly effect the world at large. For example what does the company I buy something from do, to make the world a better place and treat people better. Are the products they buy from other company's also good. Are those companies treating their people well and paying them good. Is the company you buy something from taking responsibility for the whole chain of creation, How are they taking responsibility for how are they effecting the world. Because remember, The smallest act has astronomical consequences. And you are being judged in the Hidden in everything your do. Every small act, Is an change to demostrate your responsibility.
Have the people ways to communicate when there are problems, being mistreated, And are their problems taken serious.
Chocolate, Bananas, Nuts how are the people that harvest and provide these products being treated.
Shoes and garments, How are those shoes you buy being created. Are they created by sweatshop labour, How long shifts do they need to make, How much do they earn, Enough to provide for their family.
In essense every product you buy or use needs to be investegated.
Is the health of the workers being protected, Is their health at stake for example by using chemicals.
Am i helping organisations that ask for help, Where can i invest to make effective change.
How substainable are the actions i perform and the behaviours i act out. When i buy plastic, Will it actually be recycled. And if it is recycled How much of it will be recycled and what is the quality. And can it after that be recycled again. Can i buy something that is recycled, Or Products that are made from materials that are recycled. What does the company i buy something from do about recycling, Do they create their products from recycled Materials, Or are they using materials that are fully recycling instead of cheaper materials that can only be used once or two times and end up on the big pile of trash, Or in the ocean where it will become micro plastic and toxic waste making the invironment toxic, And harm people who have no money to live.
Animals: For example, The chickens i eat how are they being treated. And other Animals.
The fish i eat. If everyone eats fish like me. Will there then be even fish. And for how long
What do my actions have for effect on the Environment, How much Energy do i use. Do the products i use and buy cause Toxic Hazards. How much water does the food i eat take, And the garment i wear how much water is being used to create that.
Privacy is a fundamental human right, And should be respected. Therefor Software should have privacy by design. A Company or State / Country should respect peoples fundamental rights.
People need to feel and be save and secure at all times.
People need to be treated equal. And get equal opportunities.
People Freedoms need to be respected. And within the laws peoples Freedom of Opinion and speech should be respected.
People should always have the right todo with their information what they want, including removing informations of ones past.
In the next sections the Software i worked on.
Some new Features are added to c prime:
For more about this update click here.
C Prime is a new language very close related to C and comes with its own C Prime preprocessor, C Prime is an very simple addition to c, You could say c prime is c with classes without the bloat. Also unique about C Prime is the C Prime preprocessor, Because the C Prime preprocessor will convert your C Prime code to readable, high-performance C code. This code can than be compiled with a normal C compiler.
Year | 2024 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | C |
Frameworks | None |
Size of Source code | 200kb |
Size of Binary | 93.8kb |
Lines of code | 9 588 |
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This software abstractions layer makes it possible to create advanced queries using only Javascript functions.
Normally you need to create complex and difficult sql queries with joins and hard to understand code to select an subset of your normal query in sql. This abstraction layer lets you filter your queries using only simple javascript functions that represent Logical Operators.
You have "And", "Or", "Like", "Greater than", "Smaller Then" and the "Is" functions. Then you can create an filter and apply those simple functions. The inputs of these functions can be other operator functions or just the path to the specific column, Or an string.
The result is advanced Search / Filters Using only simple functions and references.
Year | 2021 - 2022 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | Javascript |
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An Abstraction layer for Unify object that allows the developer to write Gpu Animations using JavaScript, You can write different animations set the duration, And play animations, And every animation can animate multiple css properties.
The unique feature of this abstraction is that you can await for every animation using the await keyword in JavaScript. Then just continue to execution of javascript code after all the animations are finished. And for example start new animations or do other things in javascript. This allows the developer easy and simple code with great flexibility. Creating advanced Animations and mix animations with other javascript code.
Behind the scenes css animations are used, And those tend to be Smooth because they use the GPU and are pre-defined.
Year | 2021 - 2022 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | Javascript |
Size of Source code | 10 kb |
Lines of code | 800 |
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A Javascript abstraction layer that allows developers to write complex Sql using only javascript Objects. You can Create tables, Add columns, Add rows, Create advanced select queries, Remove rows and Edit rows. Unify-DB also supports creating joins using the javascript objects.
Year | 2020 - 2021 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | Javascript |
Frameworks | Sqlite3 |
Size of Source code | 95.0 kb |
Lines of code | 1600 |
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A new way of writing software. A full stack framework written in Javascript and Nodejs.
Year | 2019 - 2023 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | Javascript |
Frameworks | Sqlite3 |
Size of Source code | 803.0 kb |
Lines of code | 38 487 |
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With this node graph editor you where able to create code by only attaching nodes, Also the nodes themself where pre programmable, You could create all kind of nodes and than use these nodes to create working software in a visual environment inside the browser.
Year | 2018 - 2019 |
Author | Kaj Dijkstra |
Languages | Javascript, Nodejs, HTML, CSS and SQL |
Company | Self Employed |
I have explored a lot of different software throughout the years. Because many ideas and concepts can be re-used in total different contexts, I found it relavant to add this list of Software i used troughout my life.
I have created sounds, Music tracks, Explored all the things that are available in Fruityloops and Used / Tested hundreds of synthesizers for more than 20 years.
I have used 3D studio max for whole my live. And later on i also used sketchup.
I always used Photoshop as a child. Probably for more than 20 years.
I have used Unreal Engine and a little bit of Unity.
I have explored Papervision in Flash and Flex ( Actionscript ). I have also explored game engines in cpp, O3d in Javascript and Microsoft XNA in c#.
I have used havok to create realistic physics simulations in cpp. And used bullet physics in cpp and a javascript port in javascript and webgl.
Currently i mainly use Linux.
As a child i always used Windows.
I know my way around nginx, To setup sites and subdomains, And Nodejs servers with ssl certificates. I also have running my own mail server using Exim and dovecot.
As a child, I mostly used Mysql and Mssql. Now I use Sqlite3 and I have written an abstraction layer in javascript to create advanced SQL queries (Sqlite3) in javascript using only javascript objects, This javascript abstraction is called "Unify db".